Vintage sterling silver gay pride pin

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Early jewelry made by Mexico’s avant-garde renaissance designers is prized today and is recognized as truly wearable art. HISTORIQUE: Mexican Jewelry: From the 1930’s through the 1950s, artist colonies arose in Mexico which produced enormously influential jewelry. Overall workmanship is superb.Īn exemplary example of fine traditional Mexican sterling silver jewelry making. No damage, loss or repair to the turquoise inlay or to the sterling silver. Weighs 12 grams (postage scale).Įxcellent condition. Measures 1-1/2 inches across by 2-1/8 inches long with the tear drop dangles. With magnification I can make out part of ‘STERLING’ and part of ‘MEXICO’.

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There are several back marks, but they are faint and difficult to discern. Masterfully hand crafted by an accomplished silversmith’ it dates to the 1950s. Five tear drops of silver and fine inlay dangle from the bottom of the disk.ĭesigned to be worn as a pin or pendant with rolling lock pin clasp and sturdy bail. The turquoise is paved in an Aztec design created out of sterling silver cloisons (or thin strips of silver used to create a pattern of curbed fields). A sea of beautiful turquoise chip inlay is set in a round scallop edged sterling silver base. An exceptional piece of old hand wrought Taxco, Mexico jewelry.

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