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Every August, some 100,000 people descend on Barcelona for Europe’s largest gay festival and ten days of riotous good times punctuated by themed dance parties and epic DJs.

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The Circuit Festival is a gay Spain classic and Barcelona must-do. Be sure to stop by Chiringuito BeGay while you’re there, a gay Barcelona institution serving up delicious drinks and beach bites.įor a gay party not soon forgotten, time your visit to Barcelona over one of its world-renowned festivals. For something a little quieter, Mar Bella is Barcelona’s clothing-optional gay beach. Start at Sant Miquel or Sant Sebastia Beach, both located near the iconic W Hotel (and just a stone’s throw from downtown Barcelona.) Due to their central location, these gay Barcelona beaches always attract a crowd, but that also means there are plenty of handsome, sun-kissed men around, too. We wouldn’t blame you for making a beeline straight to Barcelona’s 4.5km of scenic coastline.

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